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Ambitious Investing

What Is Ambitious Investing & How

Does It Work?

Daily LIVE Trading With Rihari

Join exclusive LIVE calls where you can ask questions, review your trades and trade live. All sessions are recorded so you can re-watch later.

1-1 Mentorship Calls

You can book in 1-1 calls with Rihari and his team to get super specific feedback and support for your trading

Lifetime Community Access

Instant access to a community of traders who are absolutely dedicated to acheiving financial freedom with trading.

the right guidance will transform your life

Entering The Top 1% Of Traders Requires a Proper Guidance

Tired of being like the 99% who quit after losing thousands? Entering trades hoping & praying you get lucky Aware your psychology holds you back but unsure how to fix it?

The dream of financial freedom feels out of reach.

Those who succeed have the right guidance—you can, too.


Ambitious Investing

Ambitious Investing Is Built Upon Unshakeable Foundations

the right guidance will transform your life

Beginner To Advanced Strategy

Get access to a full beginner to advanced strategy crouse, teaching you all the fundementals and indicators I use to trade

the right guidance will transform your life

Beginner To Advanced Strategy

Get access to a full beginner to advanced strategy crouse, teaching you all the fundementals and indicators I use to trade

creating your highest leverage asset

Unlocking Your Mind

Learn how to nagivate your mind and emotions through while trading. Develop to resist FOMO, build discipline and never revenge trade again.

creating your highest leverage asset

Unlocking Your Mind

Learn how to nagivate your mind and emotions through while trading. Develop to resist FOMO, build discipline and never revenge trade again.

you're the average of the 5 people you hang around

Surround Yourself With Winners

Join a tribe of traders who are putting in the work to build generational wealth. We're not here just to make some money, we're here to retire our parents.

you're the average of the 5 people you hang around

Surround Yourself With Winners

Join a tribe of traders who are putting in the work to build generational wealth. We're not here just to make some money, we're here to retire our parents.

Ambitious Investing

Who Is The Founder Of

Ambitious Investing

Rihari Carroll

From a working as a real estate agent for years to building a global education platform for traders, Rihari Carroll's journey began with a simple realization: life wasn't meant to be lived with limits.

After being unprofitable for years, trying different strategies, using trading bots and repeatedly wanting to quit, he was desperate for success. After a lot of struggling Rihari understood something profound - successful traders keep things simple.

Now, Rihari's mission is clear: to simplify trading down to its essentials so that anyone can understand the markets and become proftiable

Ambitious Investing isn't just mentorship - it's a movement of everyday people acheving financial freedom through trading

Rihari Carroll

From a working as a real estate agent for years to building a global education platform for traders, Rihari Carroll's journey began with a simple realization: life wasn't meant to be lived with limits.

After being unprofitable for years, trying different strategies, using trading bots and repeatedly wanting to quit, he was desperate for success. After a lot of struggling Rihari understood something profound - successful traders keep things simple.

Now, Rihari's mission is clear: to simplify trading down to its essentials so that anyone can understand the markets and become proftiable

Ambitious Investing isn't just mentorship - it's a movement of everyday people acheving financial freedom through trading